

  • 9
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:外资企业
  • 公司地址: 上海市 长宁区 天山路街道 341号缤谷广场1 期内5楼
  • 姓名: 田老师
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定


  • 所属行业:教育 职业技能培训 教师培训
  • 发布日期:2017-02-23
  • 阅读量:411
  • 价格:6999.00 元/期 起
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:1.00 期
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:上海长宁天山路  
  • 关键词:瑜伽教练培训费用,上海瑜伽教练培训,上海瑜伽培训学校,上海瑜伽教练培训班,国际瑜伽联盟教练培训基地


    **章  运动营养及瑜伽饮食··The first chapter sports nutrition and yoga diet 
          一、碳水化合物······First, the carbohydrate 
          二、纤维··········Two, fiber 
          三、脂肪·······Three, fat 
          四、蛋白质·····Four, protein 
          五、维生素··Five, vitamin 
          六、矿物质·············Six, minerals 
          七、水············Seven, water 
          八、瑜伽的饮食智慧·······Eight, the wisdom of Yoga diet 
    *二章  瑜伽三脉七轮···Second chapter Yoga seven pulse three wheel
    *三章  瑜伽清洁功·······The third chapter Yoga cleaning work 
    一、捏悌法······A pinch, ladder method
          二、商卡肠道清洁法·Two, Shankha intestinal cleaning method 
        三、特拉他卡法(一点凝视法)··Three, the act of law (a point of his card)
          四、瑜伽断食········Four, yoga fasting 
    *四章 收束和契合法····The fourth chapter and mudra bandha 
    一、瑜伽契合法······Yoga and yoga 
     1.  手指契合法·······Psychic finger lock;  Chin Mudra 
     2.  大契合·······Big fit 
     3.  舌抵后腭契合········The palate fit after the tongue 
     4.  乌鸦契合···········Crow fit 
     5.  *三眼凝视契合······Third eye gaze fit 
     6.  鼻尖凝视法·········Gazing at the tip of the nose 
          二、瑜伽收束法······Two, bandha Yoga 
           1.  脊根收束法与根锁····The spinal root and root bandhas lock 
           2.  收腹收束法与横隔锁·Uddiyana bandha diaphragm and lock
           3.  收颌收束法与颈锁··Jaw and neck bandhas lock Jalandhar
           4.  大收束法与总锁···Large maha banbha and total lock 
    *五章  冥想·······The fifth chapter meditation 
    一、冥想中的基本要素··The basic elements of meditation 
          二、达成冥想的方法··Two, the method of meditation 
     三、冥想的注意事项及其他·Three, meditation and other matters of attention 
          四、冥想的种类·····Four, the types of meditation 
           1.  瑜伽语音冥想···Yoga Sound Meditation 
           2.  烛光冥想·········Candlelight meditation
           3.  睡眠冥想·······yoga Nidra 
           4.  充电冥想······Charge meditation 
           5.  舞蹈冥想·······Dance meditation
    *六章  体位法···········The sixth chapter position method 
          高级拜日式····Advanced worship Japanese style 
         1. 祈祷式·······Prayer 
         2. 幻椅式········Phantom chair
         3. 前伸展式················Purvottanasana 
         4. 斜板式·······Skew plate 
          5. 加强蛇击式·······Enhanced snake strike 
          6. 上犬式··············Upper dog 
          7. 下犬式·····Adho Mukha Svanasana;  downward dog; 
          8. 战士一式(右侧)·······Warrior in one (right)
          9. 斜板式·········Skew plate 
          10.加强蛇击式······Enhanced snake strike 
          11.上犬式·····Urdhva Mukha Svanasana;  Upward-Facing Dog 
          12.下犬式·········Adho Mukha Svanasana;  downward dog 
          13.战士一式(左侧)············Warrior of the left 
          14.斜板式····Skew plate, tilted-plate
          15.加强蛇击式···Enhanced snake strike 
          16.上犬式··············Urdhva Mukha Svanasana;  
          17.下犬式···············Adho Mukha Svanasana 
          19.幻椅式··············Phantom chair 
          1. 无支撑肩倒立··········Unsupported shoulder 
          2. 头倒立········headstand Salamba Sirsasana 
          3. 蝎子式··········scorpion pose 
          4. 舞王式·········Natarajasana; 
          5. 马面式·············vatayanasana 
          6. 鸽王式·Pigeon King Pose;  Screaming Pigeon 
          7. 神猴式·········Hanumanasana
          8. 神猴海狗式·········The monkey god seal type 
          9. 格拉威亚支撑式········Guerra Wirya support 
          10.昆虫式···········Insect type ·····insect-like 
          11.八支扭转式················Eight torsion type 
          12.单腿脚尖站立式··············Eka-pada Salambasana 
          13.站立单腿背部伸展式·····Standing one leg back extension
          14.射手式··········Archer pose 
          15.浮莲式··············Lily type
          17.蜘蛛式············Spider type 
          18.闭莲式············Closed lotus pose 
          19.直挂云凡式··········Straight hanging cloud 
          20.手头倒立式········Inverted vertical 
          21.鹤禅式·········CRANE POSE;  Baka Dhyanasana 
          23.基础身印式··········Basic body type 
          24.蛇王式········snake king pose 
          26.全骆驼式···········camel pose 
          27.脊柱式················Spinal type 
          28.单手蛇式·········Single hand snake type 
          29.单腿轮式···········wheel pose with single leg supporting
          30.半莲花单腿独立伸腿式···Half lotus single leg independent leg type
          31.全莲花肩倒立式·····Full lotus shoulder 
          32.臂式··········Arm type 
    *六章  教学技术 teaching technique.
    1……….如何安排课…. How to arrange class
    2…….教案……..  lesson plan
    3…..如何做瑜伽生意? ……How to do yoga business
    4……如何安排热温瑜伽,流瑜伽,瑜伽,和其他…. How to arrange class of hot temperature yoga, flow yoga, stretch yoga, and other
    5. 客户心理…. Customer psychology
    6. 如何处理客户? How to deal with customer?
    卓玛(槿蓉)舞蹈艺术中心隶属于槿蓉文化传播(上海)有限公司位于长宁区天山路341号缤谷广场1期内5楼,主要集 瑜伽(热瑜伽、哈达瑜伽、流瑜伽、理疗瑜伽、阴瑜伽等)肚皮舞、莎莎舞、古典舞、爵士舞、塑形有氧操 少儿拉丁及街舞等,并结合养生、修身、纤体为一体的综合性场馆。场馆内环境优雅舒适,是会员研习交流的理想场所。开业至今现已拥有百余位会员及多名优秀的会籍老师为会员服务,师资团队更是沪上颇具**度及影响力的老师,其中包括签约外教4名,中国老师19名,我们也是上海瑜伽教练培训学校,国际瑜伽联盟教练培训基地,欢迎加入我们大家庭。 
    欢迎来到槿蓉文化传播(上海)有限公司网站, 具体地址是上海市长宁区天山路街道341号缤谷广场1 期内5楼,联系人是田老师。 主要经营关于我们 卓玛(槿蓉)舞蹈艺术中心隶属于槿蓉文化传播(上海)有限公司位于长宁区天山路341号缤谷广场1期内5楼,主要集 瑜伽(热瑜伽、哈达瑜伽、流瑜伽、理疗瑜伽、阴瑜伽等)肚皮舞、莎莎舞、古典舞、爵士舞、塑形有氧操 少儿拉丁及街舞等,并结合养生、修身、纤体为一体的综合性场馆。场馆内环境优雅舒适,是会员研习交流的理想场所。开业至今现已拥有百余位会员及多名优秀的会籍老师为会员服务,。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 万元以下。 我们有优秀的管理和教学团队,办学目标明确,观念**前,优质的服务和产品,不断地受到新老用户及业内人士的肯定和信任。如果您对我公司的服务有兴趣,请在线留言或者来电咨询。